Welcome to 2nd TICMEA International Conference and Call fof Papers
On behalf of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Tanjungpura, it is my utmost pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd Tanjungpura International Conference on Management, Economics, and Accounting (TICMEA). Under the theme “Sustainability and Resiliency in Achieving Economic Stability,” this conference serves as a crucial platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to delve into pressing issues surrounding economic stability in today’s dynamic global landscape.
As we gather here today, the importance of sustainability and resiliency in achieving economic stability cannot be overstated. The world is facing unprecedented challenges, from the ongoing economic crisis to environmental degradation and socio-economic disparities. In the face of such complexities, it is imperative for us to explore innovative strategies and solutions that can foster sustainable economic growth while enhancing our resilience to external shocks.
Through rigorous research, insightful discussions, and collaborative efforts, I am confident that this conference will yield valuable insights and actionable recommendations that can inform policy-making and drive positive change. By harnessing the collective expertise and experiences of our esteemed participants, we can chart a course towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future.
I extend my deepest gratitude to all the participants, presenters, sponsors, and organizers for their invaluable contributions to this conference. Let us seize this opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue, forge new connections, and inspire transformative ideas that will shape the future of our economies and societies.
Thank you, and I wish you all a fruitful and enriching conference experience.
Warm regards,
Dr. Barkah, SE. M.Si
Dean Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Tanjungpura
Daftar Isi
Application of Knowledge Management in Government Agencies
Agung Prasetyo, Kurnia Wijayanti, Nurul Muthmainnah Al Maulidia, dan Mirwan Surya Perdhana
The Effect of Land Area and Price on the Farmers’ Welfare in Klambir V Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency
Ahmad Fadlan, Rizal P. Lubis, dan M. Handoko
The Impact of Geopolitical Risks and Economic Uncertainty on Indonesia’s Fiscal Sustainability
Ahmad Susanto dan Rani Dhiyas Pratita
The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics and Islamic Organizational Culture on Employee Performace
Ahnaf Fadlurrohman, Dyorizky Imaduddin Anggara Putra, Kevin Ahla Seiga, Edy Rahardja, dan Mahfudz
Analyzing Halal Certification: Strategies for Culinary Small and Micro Enterprises in Jakarta
Alda Dwi Salsabila dan Sunarmo
The Role of Sharia Economics in Economic Resillence Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045
Aly Hidayat, Wahyu Akhabr, Ibnu Elmi A.S. Pelu, dan Jefry Tarantang
Does Workplace Bullying Affect Turnover Intention? A Literature Review in Nursing Sector
Annisa Maharani Safitri, Abigail Guinevere Puteri Nimas Ayu, Yarra Waninda Permanasari dan Eisha Lataruva
Unlocking Green Economic Growth: Harnessing AI and Generation Z for Sustainable Development in Indonesia
Ardimansyah, Elga Yulindisti dan Fiqih Yursil Mahendra
Could Relatability Affect Gen Z & Millenials’ Interaction Through Personal Emotion?
Ayu Nur Utami Siwi Hariyati, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis dan Beby Karina Fawzeea
Social Commerce Ban in Indonesia: Mapping Dicscourse Coalitions
Azwar Aswin
Fundamentals Building of Economic Sustainbility: Innovation ad Entrepreneurship Creativity to Achieve Stability
Divla Mardhatillah dan Ahmad Ghufrony
Strategy for Increasing Economic Scale in Halal Food Msmes in Pangkalpinang City
Eka Fitriyanti dan Ayu Wulandari
Social Enterprise Model Cavas Implementation for Social Entrepreneurship
Eka Nurjati dan Septian Adityawati
The Impact of Lokananta Cultural Tourism Promotions and Visits on Community Welfare
Fathurrahman Priyanta, Mulyanto dan Sarjiyanto
Optimizing Economic Value Through Waste Banks: A Quantitative Analysis in Semarang City
Frederick Alvi Harzegovino Sianipar, Ika Shinta Utami Nur Agustin, Vina Ardiana, Yoestini dan I Made Bayu Dirgantara
Kepemimpinan Trasformasional Dalam Inovasi Kebijakan Publik
Gandung Senatama, Desiderius Priyo Sudibyo, dan Kristina Setyowati
The Impact of Financial Literacy in Improving the Performance of Food and Beverage MSMEs in Padang City
Gita Mai Rani dan Linda Wati
Foreign Direct Investment: Key Factors for ASEAN Economic Growth
Habib Bahtiar, Anisya Nur Widya, dan Lalu Rizal Rabbany
The Role of Pscychological Well Being on Millennial Employee’s Performance
Hafiz Haikal Ahnaf, Fajar Nurisa Khoirini, dan Alvin Eryandra
Strategies for Improving Healthcare Services at Kendal Class II A Correctional Institution Clinic
Hardiat Dani Satria, Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa, dan Mateus Sakundarno Adi
Stock Investment Decision: Bibliometric Analysis of Trends
Haris Eka Yuwana, Wahyu Eko Pujianto dan Achmad Zaki
The Paradox of Welfare Empowerment in Village-Owned Enterprises in South Kalimantan
Herry Azhar Pradana dan Siska Fitriyanti
Market Performance Measurement Through Market Sensing Capability and Market Orientation Mediated by Innovation
Ling Giovani Carolin, Wira Bharata, Finnah Fourqoniah, dan Annisa Wahyuni Arsyad
Does Servant Leadership Overcome Employee Burnout? HR Strategic Approach
Khoirun Nisa, Ahmad Syihabuddin Al Fathoni, Frida Aprillia Damayanti, Cindy Choridatul Muawanah, M. Arif Wicaksono, Ahmad Ainur Rofiq, dan Wahyu Eko Pujianto
Internationalization Tourism Through Application Sdt as Media for Improving Sumenep Community’s Economy
Khofifah Mamluatur Riskiyah dan Unsul Abrar
Does Servant Leadership Overcome Employee Burnout? HR Strategic Approach
Khoirun Nisa, Ahmad Syihabuddin Al Fathoni, Frida Aprillia Damayanti, Cindy Choridatul Muawanah, M. Arif Wicaksono, Ahmad Ainur Rofiq, dan Wahyu Eko Pujianto
The Influence of Human Resource Quality on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Lalu Rizal Rabbany, Habib Bahtiar, dan Onny Julyansyah
Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and During Covid-19 in the Technology Sectors Listend in IDX
Laras Puji Astuti dan Surya Dharma
The Role of Brand Image in Mediating Green Marketing and Green Trust on Green Purchase Intention
Lingga Dian Novitasari dan Liana Mangifera
The Role of Perceived Ease of Use on the Consumptive Behavior of Shopeepay Users
Melita April Yoma dan Purbo Jadmiko
Public Policy Innovation: The Process Towards a Digital Village in West Java
M. Faqih Annshori dan Gandung Sentama
Local Government Performance Comparison Between Split and Unsplit Provinces in Indonesia
Merri Anitasari, Roosemarina Anggraini Rambe dan Frenike Aldita
Financial Feasibility Analysis of the Development of the Coconut Oil Processing Industry in Posso Village, Kwandang District, Gorontalo Utara Regency
M. Inun Hiola, Amran Laga, dan Februadi Bastian
A Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Relationship Management and Innovation
M. Azka Safri Annandhif, Sekarini Adhianti, M. Ma’ruf Endi, Edy Rahardja dan Mahfudz
Effect Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control on Implementation CBDC Through Cybercrime as Intervening Variable
Mutahira Nur Insirat, Muchriana Muchran, Masrullah dan Mira
Womenpreneurs and E-Commerce Adoption in Sharia Fashion Business: Exploring the Driving Factors
Neng Zulfa Azhar dan Pradanti Nolo Wigati
When it Comes to Obtaining Working Capital Loans From Islamic Banks, MSMEs are Essential
Novi Vianingsih, Sodik Dwi Purnomo, dan Zumaeroh
The Intellectual Capital Effect on Retail Profitability on the IDX 2019-2022
Nur Insan Fajri, Muchrian Muchran, Rini Sulistiyanti dan Mira
The Effect of eWOM, Brand Image, and Trust on Online Purchase Intention of Somethinc Skincare Products Among Generation Z
Nurharyanti dan Imron Rosyadi
Role of Micro and Small Industries in Labor Absorption; Panel Data Analysis
Onny Juliansyah dan Lalu Rizal Rabbany
Digital Platform Capability and Entrepreneurial Marketing on SMEs Performance in Indonesia’s New Capital City
Poppy Alvianolita Sanistasya, Ina Syarifah dan Adinda Dyah Pitaloka
Sustainable Development: Poverty Alleviation Through Pro-Poor Policies in Various Coutries
Punto Bilowo, Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh, Rina Herlina Haryanti, dan Dewi Bayu Pamungkas
Digitalization of Supply Chains in Support Sustainable Development Goals
Raden Roro Retno dan Rizki Dina Yuliana
Revolutionizing Investment Harizons: Unraveling the Dynamic Landscape of Stock Returns in Indonesia
Humairoh Zahra, Bandi, Y. Anni Aryani dan Doddy Setiawan
Increasing the Income of Rice Farmers in Klambir V Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency
Rizal P. Lubis, Abdiyanto dan Sabilayana
Politness Strategy Used on E-Commerce’s Live Streaming to Support MSMEs Marketing for Developing Sustainable Economy
Rizky Vita Losi, Ahmad Fadlan, Eka Surya Fitriani, dan Ryan Aditya Fadhwa
Jombang Tourist Visit and Its Impact on Open Unemployment and Poverty Alleviation in Jombang Regency
A Bibliometric Analysis of Evolving Research Trends in Earnings Management and Taxation
Sifit Dwi Nurchaya, Sutaryo, dan Doddy Setiawan
The Influence of Kaizen Culture on Employees’ Performance in Klambir V Kebun Village Office
Siswa Pratama, Ahmad Fadlan dan Maudy Lestari
The Influence of Digital Literacy and E-Commerce on Students’ Interest in Digital Entrepreneurship in Pekanbaru City
Siti Roslia dan Devi Kurniawati
Economic Independence Strategy Beneficiaris of Family Hope Program in Sidorejo Village, Pandangan, Bojonegoro Residence
Sri Utari, Haryani Saptaningtyas, dan Joko Winarno
Integration of Corporate Governance and Sustainability in MSMEs
Widy Amalya Putri dan Rohmawati Kusumaningtias
Decoding Consumer Participation in Product Boycott: Insights from the Indonesian Market
Yulisty Diar Rochma
Socio-Economic Impacts on Sustainability of Ponggok Tourism Village Development for Local Community
Zana Zein Hardimanto, Bhimo Rizky Samudro dan Dwi Prasetyani
Cause-Related Marketing in the Covid-10 Pandemic: Can it Increase Purchase Intention?
Spatio-Temporal Modeling on Indonesian Inclusive Development Index: Mapping and Marine Factor Investigation
Athalia Christina dan Ro’Fah Nur Rachmawati
The Effect Corporate Social Responsibility on Company Profitability in the Basic Industry and Chemical Sectors Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dita Fatimah Kahirani
The Effect of Profitability and Operational Costs on Corporate Income Tax
Dwi Septiani dan Ferdiansyah Sunarto
Increasing Revenue to Support Traditional Market Traders and Local Economic Resilience
Maclani Nur Azizah, Hari Winarto dan Damar Jati
Analysis of Asean’s Resilience Against Inflation in the 1998 Asian Crisis, 2008 Global Finance Crisis, and 2020-2021 Covid-19 Economic Crisis
Maulidina Laksmi Prameswari, Lukman Hakim dan Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu
Strategy for Human Resource Development of Replanner Bookstore Employees to Improve Performance
Iftah Khaerin
Analysis of Urbanization on Human Development in Three Metropolitan Areas Case Study: Indonesia 2018-2022
Anisya Nur Widya dan Habib Bahtiar
The Effect of Time Lag Economic Variables on Number of Poor Population in the Kalimantan Region
Eka Dewi Anggraini dan Siti Mardiyani
Comparative Analysis of Banking Risk and Performance Indonesia in the Digital Era
Emmeline Aida Soegiarto dan Inka B. Yusgiantoro
Implementation of Transformative Leadership and Improving the Quality of Education in the Mover School Program in Sukodono District, Sidoarjo Regency
Moc. Tegar Pratama, Lula Luftiah Intani, Maulana Nasir, Aizatul Laila, M. Deni Irawan dan Wahyu Eko Pujianto
Analysis the Effect of Service Quality, Product Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty (Study on Customers of Starbucks Coffee Paragon Mall Semarang)
Nurul Sri Yuliarti Sutrisno, I Made Sukresna dan Sarah Safira
Tourist Visit and Its Impact on Open Unemployment and Poverty Alleviation
Sayekti Suindyah Dwiningwarni, Woro Utari dan Syamsiyah Yuli Dwi Andari
Effect Recruitment and Selection Using (CAT) on Quality Work ASN in Bandung
Sendi Andiyanti, Cica Riska Hanura dan Irna Aryanie
Indonesia’s Debt Portfolio and Economic Growth: Impact and Risk Studies
Sessa Tiara Maretaniandini
Decoding Consumer Participation in Product Boycott: Insights from the Indonesia Market
Yulisty Diar Rochma