Prosiding Semirata International Conference 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has come with a lot of uncertainties for the higher education sector and for internationalisation and mobility. Questions have arisen since the outbreak including whether the future of Internationalization will be changing due to the facts that the world now facing a new normal that restricting mobility and cooperation between university. There are also concerns of difficulties in sharing network between universities may grow in the wake of the disease, with learners from varied parts of the world are facing uncertainties due to the situation. Universities were also faced massive losses in opportunities even after shifting learning online, with queries over whether or not a new normal will be continued with a very “expensive” cost.
It is also unclear whether universities could continue charging normal fees for programmes that had shifted online, especially for those who had paid for face-to-face learning. Some international students were expecting refunds of their fees for the time they are away. Due to the pandemic, the ability of parents to pay fees as before was likely to be lower, affecting universities’ finances. We can hide under the word that we should understand that this is not normal situation. However, we should try our best in delivering the same quality in term of teaching, researching and community services as before the covid 19 pandemic.
However, if this situation continued until next years, Universities around the world must prepare themselves in the changing of the situation. Universitas Tanjungpura, in this case, realizes this problem as a challenged. As we embrace and prepare our University to become world class University in term of developing an international strategy; such factors include international teaching programs, partnerships, students and staff exchanges, and research activities. All that policy is implemented before the pandemic happened. However, this situation forces us to changed since customer care and marketing skills, centralized management, cost benefit analysis and risk management, the application of modern technology are crucial and becoming the new disciplines for our university during this pandemic situation. Each Universities have their own strength and competitive advantage. However, some have their weaknesess as well. During this situation, Universities will keep on falling behind if they dont collaborates and exchange resources in term of mobility and opportunities. The opportunities of exchanging resources are exist since ages ago, that is why the existence of organizations such as SEMIRATA BKS PTN Wilayah Barat are more important nowadays to mobilize resource sharing and opportunities.
We hope that this event will bring benefit to the organisations member in term of giving understanding and reaching agreement and how should universities act during this situation in term of research, competitive advantage, sharing resources and entrepreneurship and to the participants to share their ideas and research in this platform.
Analisis Motivasi, Kemampuan, dan Kesempatan Yang Membentuk Perilaku Pembelian Produk Organik: Sebuah Studi Longitudinal
Ahmadi dan Basu Swastha Dharmmesta
A Study on the Impact of Global Digital Platform in Enhancing Knowledge Among Individuals in Higher Education with Special Reference to Mangaluru City
Anupa Baliga dan Shaila Kamath
Analysis of Work Discipline, Organization Behavior, Leadership Style to Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Era
Rejeki Bangun, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, dan Mira Yona
Analysis of Customer Confidence on Purchase Decision at Online Banking
Sfenrianto, Wendie Novasra, Kaman Nainggolan, Frieyadie, Mesra Betty Yel
Higher Education Perceptions in the New Normal With Reference to Indonesia
K Raksha Shenoy dan Shanthi M. Nazareth
Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Karyawan Hotel ‘X’ di Pontianak
Ilzar Daud dan Nur Afifah
Economic Potential Analysis For Aceh Province
Ahmad Rizani
Price Discount and in Store Display Impact on Consumer Impulse Buying Behaviour Alfamart Cempaka Besar Banjarmasin
Muhammad Claudio Octaviandra dan Mohammad Yudy Rachman
Restoration for Real Sector of SMES With Sukuk Instruments During Covid-19 Pandemic
Trimulato dan Andi Zulfikar Darussalam
The Effect of Overconfidence and Herding on Perceptions of Investment Performance in the Capital Market With Investment Decisions as Mediation and Financial Literacy as Moderators
Windi Pratiwi, Mustaruddin, dan Wendy
A Study on Online Classes Enables to Transfer of Skills and Knowledge
Vidya Bhat dan Sajan M.
Harmonization of Tax Regulations as an Alternative for the Settlement of Repetition of Similar Disputes in the Tax Court
Martin T. Lubis dan Yohanes
Analisa Penerimaan Operator Produksi Terhadap Teknologi Mesin Produksi Menggunakan Metode Teknologi Accaptence Model (TAM)
Priatno dan Dede Sumardiyanto
Application of the Boycko, Shleifer and Vishny (1996) Moodel to the Malaysian Setting: A Critique
Philip Sinnadurai dan Susela Devi K.S
Halal Tourism in Perspective of Islamic Economic Law and Its Prospects in Indonesia
Syarifuddin dan Ade Darmawan Basri
Work-Life Balance Dual Career Couple During Covid 19 Pandemic
Sulistiowati dan Nurul Komari
Pengembangan Wisata Halal di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat: Peluang dan Tantangan
Ita Nurcholifah, Barkah dan Erna Listiana
Perceptions of Online-Based Distance Learning at Vocational Higher Education
Meizi Fahriza, Dedi Herdiansyah dan M. Awaluddin
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Margin Pembiayaan Murabahah di Bank Syariah
Prantika Linanda
Pengaruh Pemahamam Wajib Pajak, Pelayanan Fiskus, Sanksi Perpajakan dan Lingkungan Wajib Pajak Berada Terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi
Gusti Sugiarti Purti dan Yohana Yustika Sari
Islamic Banking Competitiveness in Indonesia
Helma Malini dan Alifah Nurrahmani Putri
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasional dan Manajemen Kinerja Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Nurul Komari dan Sulistiowati